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Ultimate PSPTube v2.0 çıkmıştır. Değişiklikler şöyledir: * Kontraband eklenmiş * Wank.To eklenmiş * Youtube daki bazı sorunlar giderilmiş * MetaCafe deki bazı sorunlar giderilmiş * Spike daki bazı ultimate psp tube. Author. Message. .instantxkill. Posts : 36 Join date : 2010-06-04. on your memory stick go to psp,then game 5)drag the psptube file into ur game file and there you have it psptube .. Téléchargement gratuit ultimate psptube free. S'intégrant complètement à l'interface, dans les menus contextuels, il gère Plein de nouveaux sites Tant mieux ma psp commencait a prendre la poussière. Renombramos la carpeta Ultimate PSPTube a PSPTube. (Nos debe quedar como la siguiente imagen). Vamos al PSP y lanzamos la aplicación llamada PSPTube - High Memory Mode Выбираем кнопками Ввер�/Вниз ролик и жмем X. pspiso.ru/2008/01/29/psptube.html. Ultimate PSPTube 2.0 is and abandoned project. Or you an use the scripts from here:Working PSPTube scripts.
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